Saturday, August 15, 2009

A week ago

Exactly a week ago, last Friday, I opened my new checking account at Colonial Bank, I was thrill! Finally emancipated from Bank of America, the worst bank I've ever have dealt with. For two days I've been thinking of writing a blog telling how wonderful I feel about the change and the excellent customer service received at Colonial Bank. This morning I turned on the TV and the first news I heard was;
" Colonial Bank Shut Down by Feds ".
My reaction was "oh well..., it was too good to be true" turned the TV off to get the details later in the day, why ruin the whole day, right?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are they spoiled or what?

Found this new treat and I gave it to the "experts" for review. It received the anticipated FIVE out Five Paws! It is the cutest thing to give in the morning, now I don't feel guilty having my bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Bon Appetit Puppies!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Working out...the carrot

Teaching good nutritional habits, no more "Beggin'Strips" , time for "carrot sticks". Diego as usual got into it, love at first bite! Sofia wasn't crazy about it, she prefers the hard rawhide lollipop

Breakfast at Tiffany's?...

not exactly, just at Cape Coral : ) Puppies breakfast that consists of yogurt, strawberries, banana and soy peanut butter. They love it!

It's really a miracle!

That Dr. Miracle's stuff is really working. Let me go through the list... chemicals, hot iron, blower, menopause,thyroid problems, aging... yes, you named it, the whole nine yards! Everything working against my Puerto Rican' kinki' hair. I have tried everything in the book and was hesitant to try this ethnic product for African American kinki hair. In the past I visited couple of african american salons only to go home and 'do' my hair again, got the 'wire stiff coarse touch', so you you can imagine my trust on any product related to that kind of experience. Now is getting soft, manageable, soft as silk and more important than anything not falling, not breaking and growing! Now I know that I won't be another bald old woman in the pot, Ahhhh Vanity! Dead but not bald! LOL!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Note to self

Keep my bedroom door close when there are visitors... Diego grabs anything he finds and then comes running to the the living room.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sweet girl

Sofia's heart is HUGE... I'm trying the Pedi Paws stuff and she is humbling accepting it, Diego is another story... I started by touching them with the PP so they will get used to the 'shaking', Sofia accepted it with hesitation, Diego started screaming as if I was applying a hot iron to his paws. First thought that came to my mind was that probably he had a tender spot but it was just plain DRAMA. Sofia came to the rescue! started kissing and licking Diego to comfort him, it was such a Hallmark Moment! Today was much better, planning to do 'full spa' this weekend.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


That's what I will need to make it happen. First time trying to get Sofia and Diego accustomed to Pedi Paws. Diego wanted to taste the tool, little adventurous :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pedi Paws

Finally I got the Pedi Paws ! If that thing is going to work? who knows?... I read some bad reviews online that will discourage even the dumbest person who wanted to buy it but knowing how this society behaves I'm thinking that probably some of those reviews were based on the ridicule expectation of wanting the tool to do the job fast and with no effort at all. My expectations are low and just the fact that a dog pedicure cost $11.00 and up is enough motivation for me. I'm going to follow the instructions, be patient and hope for the best. Need to buy the alkhaline batteries and wait to see what happens

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A long night...

Last night Diego had an episode of 'probably' heat discomfort. Was breathing with difficulty alllll night! I was a little scared and tried to bring the body temperature down using a cold pack that I kept moving from from head to belly, to back etc... At 1:44 am he finally fall asleep with the heavy and fast breathing, I was checking on him all night. This morning I recalled that the day before I changed the AC thermostat from 78 to 79, I think that the one degree change provoked the breathing and temperature problem, 'mea culpa' Today everything went back to normal, I had to take a nap to recover from the long night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Un exito!

Finalmente encontre el producto que ha funcionado con mi pelo! Encontre Dr Miracle's hair care justo cuando ya me habia resignado a ir perdiendo cada pelo de mi cabeza. Comence con el Deep Conditioner, luego el shampoo y ahora todos los dias uso un "dressing" para que crezca el pelo, lo fortalece evitando que se siga cayendo Y FUNCIONA! la ultima vez qe me lave la cabeza, no hubo trozos de pelo cayendose YEESS!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sin explicacion

Todas las noches Sofia va a la cama y comienza su rutina de "scratch" the bed, a veces entra en un frenzy y esta ahi minutos laaargos. Anoche lo hizo en dos sesiones, se acosto y se volvio a levantar para hacerlo de nuevo ??? Mientras tanto Diego la observa con su carita de "Que sera lo que le entro a esta?" sin embargo ya le esta esta copiando la tecnica y lo ha hecho un par de veces.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Decisiones, decisiones...

Por fin me decidi a cambiar de compania de cable, empece a pagar 57.00 con Comcast y ya en cuatro meses va por sesenta y pico... ladrones! Me voy con DishNet, 19.99 por los primeros seis meses, Free HBO and Showtime por tres meses y Cinemax por 1 cent por 12 meses. Luego de los primeros seis meses el pago sera 35.00, not bad at all... lo proximo es el cell phone en Nov cuando se me vence el contrato Ahorrar, ahorrar, ahorrar!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


manguera a sala, comedor y cocina el Diego resbalando en los 'tiles' parecia una bolita a cada paso que daba caia, Sofia muy madura observando desde el cuarto. Luego un merecido descanso... para los puppies

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Ayer comence con el Hot Body Workout que me envio mi personal trainer "the beautiful Zulei" :-D En adicion al workout queria agregar el Bean pero no logre mantener a los espectadores fuera del area!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Una ayudita...

A el Diego le encanta ayudar a Sofia mantenerse limpia, por lo cual voluntariamente presta su lenguita para la rutina de limpieza de la pobre Sofia quien mansamente o porque no le queda mas remedio lo deja hacer lo que le da la gana!