Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sweet girl

Sofia's heart is HUGE... I'm trying the Pedi Paws stuff and she is humbling accepting it, Diego is another story... I started by touching them with the PP so they will get used to the 'shaking', Sofia accepted it with hesitation, Diego started screaming as if I was applying a hot iron to his paws. First thought that came to my mind was that probably he had a tender spot but it was just plain DRAMA. Sofia came to the rescue! started kissing and licking Diego to comfort him, it was such a Hallmark Moment! Today was much better, planning to do 'full spa' this weekend.


  1. Sofia es tan linda. Tan tranquilita, todavia me acuerdo cuando la rescatamos del refugio :) Que chulita. El Diego...jajaja... bien enfogonao' mirando para el otro lado, como quien dice nada mas lo hago porque me da comida. jajaja

  2. Ja,ja,ja es un 'parejero' Cuando le pido besitos a Sofia se mete en el medio a dar besitos tambien. Les hablo mucho y ya el Diego esta entendiendo, quizas llegue a ser como Sofia cuando sea GRANDE!

  3. jajaja...."yo no soy metro" jaja
